It all started with the lotus

As national flower of Vietnam, the Lotus flower represents purity, commitment, and strength of the people. With roots bury deep into the mud, the Lotus rises and bloom beautifully despite of the environment it was born in.

my story

Born and raised in Saigon, Vietnam, I spend 10 significant years in the vibrant district 8. From a young age, I swiftly grasped the reality of surviving in a bustling city with limited opportunities. After 10 significant years, my mother, my sister, and I said goodbye to our home and began a new chapter in an unfamiliar city that we now call home: Madison, Wisconsin.

ART became my sole means of self-expression. It allows me to view the world around me through a different lens. To me, everything is art, and every individuals is a walking canvas, beautifully created in their own unique way.

My clients are my biggest inspirations in my career, and getting to hear their stories is the most rewarding part. I founded Lotus Artistry with three core values close to my heart; Hope, to create a safe space for every soul who visits; Passion, for my art and career; and Love, for the people.

  • 7 faithful years as of 2024.

  • 6 fun years of having the privilege to be apart of many one’s core memory.

  • Celebrated 3 strong years in January, 2024.